SparkyLinux GameOver is an open source edition of the SparkyLinux distribution that provides users with an impressive collection of Linux games. It is based on the stable branch of Debian GNU/Linux and built around the lightweight Xfce desktop environment.
Distributed as 64-bit and 32-bit Live DVDs
This flavor is distributed as a very large Live DVD ISO image, so make sure that your Internet plan has enough bandwidth before you start downloading it. It is supported on both 32-bit and 64-bit hardware platforms.
Boot options
The boot medium is identical with other SparkyLinux editions, providing support for many languages, failsafe and text modes, as well as the ability to run a memory test or boot an existing operating system.
Xfce is in charge of the graphical session
As mentioned, the live session is powered by Xfce, a lightweight desktop environment comprised of a single panel at the bottom edge of the screen, from where you can access the main menu and interact with opened windows, and a dock (application launcher) on the upper part of the screen.
Includes a vast amount of games
The GameOver edition of SparkyLinux includes way too many games to list here. Among some of the most important ones, we can mention 0 A.D., Armagetron Advanced, Battle of Wesnoth, Blobby Volley, Blob Wars: Blob and Conquer, BlockOut II, Chromium B.S.U., Frozen Bubble, Maelstrom, MegaGlest, NetPanzer, OpenArena, Secret Maryo Chronicles, SnowballZ, SuperTux, SuperTuxKart, Warzone 2100, Xmoto, and TORCS.
Features various emulators
Valve’s Steam for Linux client and Desura are also installed in this distribution, along with some popular open source emulators like DeSmuME, DOSBox Emulator, PCSX, Stella, VisualBoy Advance, and ZSNES.
Default applications
Default applications include the VLC Media Player, Iceweasel web browser, Pidgin internet messenger, Transmission BitTorrent client, uGet download manager, Leafpad text editor, XChar IRC client, as well as various useful utilities.
A distro for true gamers
If you dig Debian-based distros and you’re a true gamer, then we have some good news for you. Starting today, SparkyLinux GameOver is your brand-new Linux operating system!