What’s new in GNOME Taquin 3.33.4:
- Specify libm as a dependency, for platforms that separated it from libc (initial patch by Jan Tojnar, for 2048). And some translations updated.
- Translations updated:
- Basque: Asier Sarasua Garmendia
GNOME Taquin is a completely free, easy-to-use, simple, modern and open source computer software implemented in C/Vala/GTK+ and designed to provide a 15-puzzle game for the controversial GNOME graphical desktop environment.
15-puzzle is a general name used for various popular sliding puzzle games, such as Mystic Square, Gem Puzzle, Game of Fifteen or Boss Puzzle, where a wooden or plastic frame contained 15 square tiles in random order (one tile is missing so you can move existing tiles).
How to play GNOME Taquin
The object of the GNOME Taquin game is to reconstruct the given image by moving the tiles with your mouse and putting them in their places. The application can also be used to play other sliding puzzle games on different boards.
Designed for GNOME
As its name suggests, GNOME Taquin is a software project designed for the GNOME desktop environment. Its graphical user interface (GUI) uses the GNOME HIG (Human Interface Guidelines) specifications.
Choose between a 15-puzzle game or a 16-puzzle one
When the application is started, users will be presented with a simple window where they can immediately start playing the 15-puzzle game. The game can be restarted at any time and you will be able to choose between a 15-puzzle game with a 3×3 or 4×4 board, or a 16-puzzle one.
In addition, you will be able to choose a theme. The applications has no other buttons or configuration options. Once you finished setting it up, press the “Start Game” button to play GNOME Taquin.
Compatible with all GNU/Linux operating systems
The software is compatible with all GNU/Linux operating systems (32-bit and 64-bit flavors) and runs on top of any open source desktop environment, despite the fact that it has been designed for the GNOME desktop environment. It will be introduced by default in the GNOME 3.16 desktop environment.