Runtu Xfce is an open source and desktop-oriented distribution of Linux based on the highly acclaimed Ubuntu Linux operating system and built around the lightweight Xfce desktop environment. It has been designed from the ground up for the Russian Linux community.
Availability, boot options, supported architectures and languages
The project is distributed as a single Live CD ISO image, supporting both Russian and English languages, as well as the 32-bit and 64-bit instruction set architectures. It can be deployed on a USB flash drive or written on a blank CD disc.
The boot prompt allow users to try the operating system without installing anything on their computers, check the media for defects (only if using a CD disc). run a memory test, boot an existing OS, as well as to install the distribution without testing it (not recommended).
Lightweight desktop session, popular and powerful applications
As mentioned, the graphical session is powered by the lightweight Xfce desktop environment, which uses a single taskbar located on the bottom edge of the screen and used for launching applications and interacting with running programs.
Default applications include the Geany IDE, GPicView image viewer, Midnight Commander two-panel file manager, Thunar file manager, Xfburn CD/DVD burning software, Evince document viewer, GIMP image editor, Mozilla Firefox web browser, Pidgin instant messenger, and Syplheed email client.
In addition, it comes with the Remmina remote desktop client, Skype VoIP client, Transmission torrent downloader, uGet download manager, Audacious audio player, guvcview webcam viewer, VLC Media Player, Synaptic Package Manager, Sakura terminal emulator, and the entire LibreOffice office suite.
Bottom line
In conclusion, Runtu Xfce is the perfect Linux distribution for replacing the unsafe and deprecated Windows XP operating system on low-end machines or computers that have old hardware components, which are no longer supported by modern and resource-demanding OSes.