If your work or personal business depends on working with remote calendar services, then you might have heard about CalDAV. It’s an extension of WebDAV that provides a standard for various client apps/services to access calendar information on a remote server.
Even though working with CalDAV is not the most straightforward thing, it’s not exactly rocket science, especially since Google provides a CalDAV interface that allows users to manage calendars using the CalDAV protocol.
CalCleaner is an app that is built to make your work with CalDAV calendars a bit easier by allowing you to delete/purge old events from them.
Delete CalDAV entries and events with ease
The best thing about CalCleaner is its GUI. You just install the app (from Flathub), launch it, connect one or multiple CalDAV accounts, and you can delete old calendar events with no more than a few mouse clicks.
Simply select the calendars in question, and hit the “Clean Now!” button. Another great aspect of this application is the fact that it also allows you to set up an automated deletion process for events older than a specified number of weeks. What’s more, you can also ask the app not to delete recurring events, and simply target the ones who are way overdue.
Taking everything into account, CalCleaner is not what one might call a revolutionary app. However, when your daily/work business relies on keeping multiple CalDAV calendars as clean and as optimized as possible, this tiny app can become a lifesaver as it has the potential to save you a lot of time.
The most straightforward way to install the app on your system is, as mentioned before, from its official Flathub page, however, you can also build it yourself from source by following the detailed instructions found on its GitHub repository.