There’s nothing wrong with searching for the perfect Weather app/solution for your Linux system. If you’re a long-time GNOME user, for instance, you probably already went the “there has to be a GNOME extension for this” route.
Weather (or GNOME Weather, more generally called) is probably the most popular extension of this type, and while there’s nothing particularly great about it, there’s also nothing particularly wrong with it.
Being average means that there’s room for improvement, and that’s exactly what Weather or Not attempts to do. Before I get to the point and explain what Weather or Not is or isn’t, be warned that it may be a bit confusing, at first.
What exactly is Weather or Not?
Weather or Not is a simple GNOME Shell extension that does one thing and one thing only. It makes the aforementioned GNOME Weather app a bit easier to access, that’s all.
If you want to get really technical, Weather or Not is a fork of the Weather O’Clock GNOME extension. This is probably the best time to point out that Weather or Not requires that GNOME Weather is installed on your system.
To keep it as short as possible, it’s an extension that requires another extension, which may seem a bit strange to some users (not going to lie, I struggle with the idea a bit as well). The only upside is that Weather or Not can be effortlessly installed using the marvelous Extension Manager app.
So, what do you get?
If clicking an icon and checking out the weather on your Linux desktop seems like a chore, then with the help of Weather or Not, you can now do it from the top bar. There a couple of small added benefits, though.
For instance, Weather or Not shows the current weather conditions and temperature in the top bar (a bit of added convenience). It also provides you with the option to choose exactly where the extension displays said weather conditions (you’re provided with six options: left, right, clock left, clock right, clock left centered and clock right centered.
Weather or Not is not the best GNOME extension out there. I guess, if you’re looking for a weather app or a weather GNOME shell extension, you’ll probably look for a sort of “do-it-all-works-out-of-the-box” type of solution, and there’s nothing really wrong with that.
If, however, you’re a fan of GNOME Weather, and you want a bit more versatility, then Weather or Not is worth checking out.