Parsix GNU/Linux is a Debian derived distribution, initially based on the Knoppix operating system. It is distributed as a live and Installable DVD ISO images with support both 64-bit and 32-bit architectures. It is a rock solid Linux operating systems, especially because of its Debian base, but most certainly because it uses only open source software packages on top of a complex desktop environment powered by the GNOME project.
Boot options
The boot menu of the Live DVD will allow users to start the live environment or install Parsix via graphical or text mode methods, use failsafe video mode in case they encounter issues with their graphical cards, and boot the operating system that is currently installed on their computer. “Start or Install Parsix” is the recommended option for all users, as it will allow them to enjoy the entire operating system without installing anything on their computer.
Uses a customized GNOME desktop environment
As mentioned before, Parsix GNU/Linux uses a customized GNOME desktop environment, with the controversial GNOME Shell user interface. Default applications include the Iceweasel web browser, Evolution email client, VLC Media Player, and the gThumb image viewer. The Parsix desktop is very clean, it’s like nothing we’ve ever seen before. There’s a single panel that includes the main menu, system tray area and a clock/calendar applet.
The Home directory is also clean, as no predefined folders have been added, and only two icons are displayed on the desktop, Home and Trash. The “Install Parsix” icon is only available in the Live DVD and it will allow users to quickly deploy the operating system on their computer. The instructions are easy to understand and unobstructed.
Default applications
Among the pre-installed applications, we can mention the lightweight and fast Chromium web browser, the powerful LibreOffice office suite, the GParted disk partitioning utility, the Empathy instant messenger, the GIMP image editor, the VirtualBox virtualization software, and the Grisbi personal finance system.
Bottom line
Even if is doesn’t provide support for UEFI computers, Parsix GNU/Linux supports the latest Nvidia and ATI graphics cards. It is the perfect Linux operating system for those who seek a fast, simple, secure, minimal and virus-free computing environment based on Debian.