ALT Linux is an open source, freely distributed and universal GNU/Linux operating system intended for use on servers, desktops and mobile devices. It comes in many flavors with various desktop environments and supports numerous architectures. It’s an independent distribution of Linux forked from the deprecated Mandrake Linux OS.
Distributed in multiple editions
The ALT Linux project is available in many editions, such as ALT Linux (School Junior), ALT Linux (School Master), ALT Linux (School Server), ALT Linux (School Teacher), ALT Linux Simply, ALT Linux Junior, ALT Linux KDesktop, ALT Linux Master, ALT Linux Rescue, and ALT Linux Server.
In addition, the ALT Linux’s special Starterkit project offers versions with the LXDE, LXQt, Razor-Qt, Xfce, MATE, Cinnamon, IceWM, GNUstep, GNOME, Enlightenment, WindowMaker and Trinity desktop environments/window managers.
Supports 32-bit and 64-bit platforms
ALT Linux is the main edition, the first one that was ever released for this project, and it is distributed as Live DVD ISO images optimized for either of the 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x86_64) instruction set architectures. Installable-only DVD ISO images are also available in the download section above, all of them deployable on either DVD discs or USB thumb drivers.
Simple boot menu
The distribution’s Live DVD boot menu is quite simple, offering support for the English (US), Russian, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Ukrainian, Turkish and Kazakhstan languages, the ability to start the live system with normal settings, run a memory test and boot an existing OS from the local drive. In addition, you will be able to pass extra parameters to the kernel, change the video mode and source.
Use the MATE desktop environment
MATE, a clone of the GNOME 2 (also known as GNOME Classic) graphical desktop environment, was chosen for ALT Linux’s default session. It is comprised of a two-panel layout, which offers a productive and very fast desktop interface to users with low-end computers.
Includes popular, open-source applications
As expected, the distribution includes various well-known open souce applications, among which we can mention the LibreOffice office suite, GIMP image editor, Mozilla Firefox web browser, Dia diagram editor, GParted partition editor, and various other MATE-related packages.