APT stands for Advanced Package Tool and is an open source command-line application used in many Linux distributions that use the DEB package format. It is originally developed by the Debian developers for the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. It is one of the best command-line package management tools invented in the last years for a Linux system. It is the official package manager for Debian GNU/Linux, which inspired many popular Linux operating systems, including Ubuntu or Linux Mint.
Effortlessly install DEB packages
Despite that fact that it’s a command-line software, apt allows users to effortlessly install as many DEB packages as they want, update all or only some of the installed applications, as well as to remove certain packages from their computers. APT is the powerful component behind well known graphical package managers developed over the years, including Synaptic Package Manager or Ubuntu Software Center. If you use a Debian-based distribution, apt is already installed.
An advanced front-end for dpkg
APT is actually an advanced front-end for the dpkg package manager. The project is comprised of several command-line utilities, including apt-get (for installing, removing, updating or upgrading packages), apt-cache (for searching the software package cache), apt-file (for discovering which package includes a certain file), and apt-add-repository (for adding a PPA software repository).
Offers unique features
While some will prefer to use the Aptitude application, APT provides users with several unique features, such as complete installation ordering and multiple source capability. These days, modern Linux users tend to use applications like Synaptic Package Manager, Adept Package Manager or Ubuntu Software Center without knowing that they are actually powered by the apt software.
It was ported to iOS
Few people know that apt was also ported to the iOS mobile operating system created by Apple, by the Cydia project, a package manager for jailbroken iOS devices. In our opinion, apt is a much better package manager for Linux than yum (the default package management tool for RPM-based distributions).