ATK (Accessibility Toolkit) is an open source and free comand-line software that has been designed from the ground up to act as an accessibility library for the GNOME desktop environment.
Included compoenents
It comprises of a collection of accessibility interfaces that are implemented by various other applications and toolkits. You can use the ATK interfaces to allow accessibility tools to have full control over running apps.
The AtkNoOpObjectFactory, AtkObjectFactory, AtkRegistry and Versioning macros utilities are includes, as well as the AtkGObjectAccessible, AtkHyperlink, AtkNoOpObject, AtkPlug and AtkSocket custom accessible objects.
Additionally, it includes the AtkObject base accessibility object, AtkUtil for toolkit and event support, AtkRange, AtkRelation, AtkRelationSet, AtkState and AtkStateSet basic accessible data types, and a wide range of ATK Interfaces.
Getting started with ATK
To configure ATK, run the ./configure script, then ‘make’ and ‘make install’. If you are installing into a location where you don’t have write permissions, you’ll have to become root before running ‘make install’.
General information about building ATK and related libraries can be found at http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/gtk/gtk-building.html. To compile a CVS version of atk on your system, you will need to take several steps to setup the tree for compilation.
You can do all these steps at once by running the “cvsroot/atk# ./autogen.sh” command, without quotes. Basically this does the following for you ‘cvsroot/atk# aclocal; automake; autoconf’. The aforementioned commands create the ‘configure’ script, which can be run in cvsroot/atk to create all the Makefiles.
Before running autogen.sh or configure, make sure you have libtool in your path. Note that autogen.sh runs configure for you. If you wish to pass options like –prefix=/usr to configure you can give those options to autogen.sh and they will be passed on to configure.