BigLinux is a free and open-source GNU/Linux distribution based on the Deepin Linux operating system, which in turn is derived from the well-known Debian GNU/Linux operating system, and localized into the Brazilian Portuguese language.
Boot options and supported architectures
BigLinux’s boot menu is split in two sections, the first one allowing users to choose between running the live system in the English or Brazilian Portuguese languages. After that, you’ll have access to more boot options like running the system with Debian or Xanmod kernels.
Of course, you can also choose to boot an already installed operating system or check the bootable medium for defects (only if you’re using a DVD disc). By default, the operating system starts in Legacy mode, which makes it compatible with most hardware, but it’s designed only for 64-bit machines.
Modern or classic KDE Plasma, or LXQt desktop sessions
When running BigLinux for the first time, you will be asked if you want to choose between three live sessions, including modern or classic KDE Plasma desktop environment, as well as the more lightweight LXQt desktop environment. Also, you can choose between the Arc GTK theme, Adapta theme, or a dark theme.
The KDE Plasma modern session is the most beautiful one and offers users one of the most futuristic desktops we’ve ever seen. That’s probably because of the many improvements from the Deepin Linux operating system. The classic KDE Plasma session is the good old KDE desktop we all know and love.
On the other hand, the LXQt session is similar to the classic KDE Plasma one, but offers a more simple and lightweight desktop environment. Of course, users will have access to all the pre-installed apps from all three desktop sessions, including the KDE apps and third-party apps like GIMP, Firefox, and LibreOffice.
Bottom line
BigLinux performs well and looks beautiful. While it’s targeted at the Brazilian Portuguese community, it can also be used by anyone else who speaks English. We find BigLinux a great companion for your personal computer, whether it’s a desktop workstation or a laptop, but powerful enough to support the modernised KDE Plasma interface.