Bitnami LAMP Stack is a freely distributed software project that has been designed from the ground up to offer easy-to-install versions of the Apache, PHP and MySQL web technologies on personal computers powered by a Linux kernel-based operating system. It is distributed as native installers, a virtual appliance, cloud images, as well as a Docker container.
Includes a wide range of web technologies
Bitnami LAMP Stack bundles phpMyAdmin, Varnish, SQLite, ImageMagick, XDebug, ModSecurity, Xcache, Memcache, OAuth, FastCGI, GD, APC, OpenSSL, openLDAP, cURL, PECL, and PEAR. Additionally, it also includes the Symfony, Zend Framework, CodeIgniter, Smarty, CakePHP and Laravel frameworks.
Installing Bitnami LAMP Stack
The LAMP stack offered by Bitnami is a very popular product among web developers who don’t have the time to create a web development environment from scratch and are looking for an all-in-one, single-click installer. To install LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) on your Linux machine, just download the package that corresponds to your PC’s hardware architecture, make it executable, run it and follow the instructions displayed on the screen.
The LAMP modules
As mentioned, Bitnami LAMP Stack helps you to deploy web applications on personal computers, without having to install its runtime dependencies, such as Apache, MySQL or PHP, as they’re already installed in the LAMP stack. A wide range of modules for various applications are provided on Softpedia, as well as on Bitnami’s homepage. All of them are distributed as native installers, which have been built using BitRock’s cross-platform installer tool.
Also available for Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows platforms
Bitnami’s LAMP, WAMP and MAMP Stacks are easy-to-install software that greatly simplify the deployment of popular and powerful open-source web applications on the GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows operating systems. Both 32-bit and 64-bit (recommended) computers are supported at this moment.