Bitnami OpenProject Stack is a cross-platform and freely distributed graphical installer solution designed for installing the OpenProject web-based application and all of its runtime dependencies on personal computers and laptops. In addition, Bitnami offers a virtual appliance, cloud images, LAMP/MAMP/WAMP modules, as well as a Docker container for OpenProject.
What is OpenProject?
OpenProject is an open source, platform-independent and free web-based application that has been designed from the offset to act as a project management solution. It includes a wide variety of unique functionality, a powerful plugin architecture, and an active community.
Installing Bitnami OpenProject Stack
Installing the OpenProject application on your GNU/Linux computer has never been easier with Bitnami OpenProject Stack. The project is currently distributed as native installers in the .run file format, supporting 64-bit (x86_64) and 32-bit (x86) installations.
To install it, download the package that corresponds to your computer’s architecture from Softpedia using the dedicated download button above, save the file somewhere on your PC, make it executable by right clicking on it, go to Properties and navigate to the Permissions tab, where you must check the “Allow executing file as program” box, double-click it and follow the on-screen instructions.
Run OpenProject in the cloud or virtualize it
In addition to installing OpenProject on personal computers, uses will be able to run the application in the cloud thanks to Bitnami’s pre-built cloud images for the Amazon EC2, Windows Azure or any other cloud hosting provider.
It’s also possible to virtualize OpenProject on either Oracle VirtualBox or VMware ESX/ESXi virtualization software, using Bitnami’s virtual appliance based on the latest LTS version of Ubuntu Linux.
The Bitnami OpenProject Module and Docker container
Besides the Bitnami OpenProject Stack product reviewed here, Bitnami also offers modules for installing OpenProject on top of a Bitnami Ruby stack. A Docker container for OpenProject should be available on the project’s website (see link below for details).