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Debian Live Xfce 10.0

Debian Live Xfce is an open source Linux-based operating system distributed as part of the Debian Live project, which also contains Live GNOME, KDE and LXDE flavors of the well known Debian GNU/Linux distribution.

Distributed as 32-bit and 64-bit Live DVDs

It is distributed as two Live DVD ISO-hybrid images that can be written to either blank DVD discs or USB flash drives. No persistent session is provided, but they can be used to install the operating system on a local disk drive (directly from the boot prompt or live session).

An advanced option on the boot menu allows users to view if the hardware components of their computers are correctly recognized by Debian, as well as to run a memory diagnostic test using the Memtest86+ utility.

Features one of the snappiest Xfce desktop environments

The live environment starts pretty fast and it boots directly into the Xfce-powered desktop environment, which is comprised on a top panel, from where users can access the main menu and system tray area, interact with active applications, and switch between virtual desktops, and a bottom dock (application launcher).

Default applications

Among the included utilities, we can mention the Thunar file manager, Bulk Rename batch rename utility, Clipman clipboard manager, Mousepad text editor, Orange calendar, Xfce Terminal terminal emulator, Squeeze archive manager, Notes note-taking app, ePDFViewer PDF viewer, Brasero and Xfburn CD/DVD burning apps, and Ex Falso audio tag editor.

In addition, default applications include the Iceweasel web browser, Quod Libet music player, VLC Media Player, LibreOffice office suite, GIMP image editor, Ristretto image viewer, as well as the Synaptic Package Manager for installing, updating and removing software pacakges.

Bottom line

Overall, Debian Live Xfce is a well built Live Linux operating system that supports both low-end and high-end machines, includes a great selection of applications, and an easy to use desktop environment. Too bad that the Xfce version is quite old!

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Debian Live Xfce desktop Debian Linux Debian Xfce LiveCD Linux