There’s no shortage of time-tracking apps on Linux with everything ranging from super simplistic, manually-operated ones to full-fledged solutions usually more geared towards the enterprise environments.
Furtherance is one such app, a free and open-source time tracking application written in RUST with GTK 4. The main premise of the app is to offer you a very efficient way of tracking how much time you spend on various tasks or projects, with all the data being saved locally.
Features at a glance
Furtherance strikes a nice balance between features and ease of use, making it ideal for users who don’t have to micro-record every single possible action on their computers.
It tracks the time you spend on tasks, and the tasks are saved in a database of unlimited capacity. One of the main benefits of this app is that it allows you to backup your databases (by exporting them as CSVs) which is great for both security and portability reasons.
Furtherance also provides you with various ways of organizing your tasks (they can be grouped by name and date). You can also edit the time-tracked tasks. For example, you can change the name of your tasks, as well as tweak/edit the date and time.
In terms of customization, Furtherance its user the option to turn off the automatic idle detection (works only on GNOME, and definitely one of the best features of the app), various ways to customize the task lists, as well as how the timer behaves (you can even switch to a Pomodoro-like time-tracking experience).
Furtherance is a nicely designed time-tracking application for Linux. It provides users with full-control over their database, as well as various ways to customize the whole experience, all wrapped together in a stylish, compact GUI.