Coming from the same developers that built the App Outlet app, GameOutlet is a free, open-source, and cross-platform (works on Linux, Windows, and macOS) that brings the latest deals of PC games directly to your computer’s desktop.
In short, it’s a nifty app that allows you to find the best deals for your favorite games on some of the biggest game stores out there such as Steam, GamersGate, GreenManGaming, GOC, Origin, and Humble Store.
With the basics out of the way, here’s what GameOutlet provides in terms of features. You can see the latest deals from some of the most popular game stores in the “Latest Deals” section, you can search by game title in order to find good deals on any of these stores, and you can save your favorite games/deals in a “Wishlist” section.
There’s also a “Stores” section that displays all the available supported stores. Clicking any entry on this list displays the deals from that particular store.
From the Settings section, you can also choose between two GUI themes, Light and Dark, or you can opt to go with the default/current theme of your system.
While not particularly impressive, GameOutlet is a well-designed app with a decent GUI that really does offer a solution to a problem. It’s one of the best apps to have around if you’re constantly searching for nice game deals since it allows you to check them out from under a single roof.
The main appeal of GameOutlet is that it removes the need to constantly context switch between multiple online gaming stores. It also removes the need to do this using a browser, and best of all, it doesn’t require you to be logged in to discover said deals.