gnome-getting-started-docs is an open source and freely distributed software project that contains various documentation, translated in numerous languages, for the helpful Getting Started manual of the GNOME graphical desktop environment.
The documentation can be access in GNOME by pressing F1
GNOME users can access the documentation provided by this package, using the F1 key on their keyboard. The gnome-getting-started-docs is comprised of many tutorial, and it is shipped in the core GNOME distribution.
The documentation is targeted at newcomers
gnome-getting-started-docs is mainly targeted for end-users of the GNOME desktop environment, especially newcomers, and has general GNOME applicability. The GNOME Documentation Project (GDP) is responsible for the tutorials and guides included in the gnome-getting-started-docs package.
Translated in multiple languages
The documentation provided by this package is translated in multiple languages, including English, French, German, Italian, Slovak, Slovenian, Russian, Turkish, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish, Korean, Thai, Indian, Hungarian, Galician, Spanish, Catalan, Greek, Indonesian, as well as Czech.
Designed for GNOME
The documentation can be installed like any other open source software that is distributed only as a source package, despite the fact that it provides documentation. To install it, first download the release that corresponds to your GNOME’s desktop environment version.
Getting started with gnome-getting-started-docs
Save the archive on a location of your choice, preferably your Home directory, unpack it using an archive manager utility, then open a Terminal app and go to the location where you’ve extracted the archive (e.g. cd /home/softpedia/gnome-getting-started-docs-3.14.1).
In the terminal emulator, run the ‘./configure && make’ command to configure the project, generate the Makefile and built the executable. After a successful compilation process, you can install gnome-getting-started-docs system wide by running the ‘sudo make install’ command. It is supported on 32 and 64-bit installations of the GNOME desktop environment.