Even though more and more streaming services are including anime in their collections, if you’re a hardcore anime/manga fan, you’re already passed the point where Netflix is enough for your needs.
This is where HakuNeko comes into play. It may not look the part, but it’s a free, open-source, and cross-platform anime/manga downloader/reader app for the masses.
It’s role? To help you download manga or anime directly on your computer (or other external storage units) for offline usage. That might sound a bit disappointing for some people who were expecting a mass anime/manga downloader, but rest assured, NakuNeko has a lot going for it.
Advantages of HakuNeko
The main advantage of using an app such as HakuNeko is the fact that it has over 700 sources. In short, it allows you to download manga and anime content from well over 700 websites (described as Connectors).
The way the app works is as follows: simply pick one of the available connectors (source), and download your manga or anime with just a few mouse clicks. Multi language support is something very important when it comes to manga reader apps. Therefore, NakuNeko allows you to find connectors for your own language, as well as ones that have support for multiple languages.
So, is it a downloader or a reader?
It can be both, or just one, depending on what you need. NakuNeko doesn’t host anything by itself, it just helps you retrieve consent and store it on your drive. You can download both manga and anime in a plethora of formats, and you can even export them to formats more suitable for PDF or eBook readers.
Then there’s also the fact that HakuNeko works just as well on all major OSes out there (Windows, macOS, and some Linux distributions). It’s also free, and open-source, meaning you also contribute towards making the app even better for people just like you who are passionate about manga and anime.