KDE neon is an open-source and free computer operating system targeted at fans of the KDE Plasma desktop environment. It’s based on Ubuntu and the only GNU/Linux distribution that always features the most recent KDE Plasma desktop environment.
Boot options and supported architectures
The KDE neon ISO image is supported only on 64-bit (amd64/x86_64) hardware architectures. When booting the distribution from the live ISO image, users are prompted with a standard boot menu that allows them to change the language, boot the live system or an installed OS, as well as to do some basic hardware configurations.
KDE neon editions
Two main editions of the KDE neon operating system are available, User Edition and Developer Edition. The User Edition is targeted at and recommended for normal computer users who want a stable, production-ready OS. It features the latest stable KDE Plasma desktop environment, as well as KDE Applications and KDE Frameworks software suites.
On the other hand, the Developer Edition is targeted at developer or people interested in running a bleeding-edge KDE Plasma desktop environment. If you want to use the alpha or beta version of the upcoming KDE Plasma desktop environment, then you need to download and install the KDE neon Developer Edition, which comes as Git Stable and Git Unstable variants.
Pre-installed apps
As you might expect from a KDE-oriented operating system, KDE neon includes a selection of pre-installed applications designed specifically for the KDE Plasma desktop environment. These are mostly shipped by the KDE Applications and KDE Frameworks software suites, but you’ll also find the LibreOffice office suite and Mozilla Firefox web browser.
Bottom line
I said it before and I’ll say it again, KDE neon is the only GNU/Linux distribution that features the latest KDE Plasma desktop environment, so if you a new KDE Plasma version is out, you can enjoy it in the same day by downloading the latest KDE neon User Edition. KDE neon also pleases bleeding-edgers with the KDE neon Developer Edition, giving them access to the latest beta of the next KDE Plasma release.