Links is an open source and completely free graphical/command-line web browser application, similar to the well-known Lynx program. It offers basic web browsing functionality for your terminal emulator, displaying tables, frames, downloads on the background, and using HTTP/1.1 keep-alive connections.
The text mode interface of Links can run on any UN*X console, as well as on any terminal emulator, including a VT100 terminal, XTerm, Telnet or SSH virtual terminals, and virtually any other text terminal. Colors and mouse are supported by Links in the terminal emulator.
A graphical interface is also provided
In addition to the command-line interface, a graphics mode is also provided, which can display PNG, JPEG, GIF, TIFF and XBM image files. It runs external bindings on other types, features anti-aliased font, supports smooth image zooming, supports 48-bit dithering, as well as gamma and aspect ratio correction.
The software can automatically reconnect if the Internet connection fails at a certains point during a web browsing session, it can lookup DNS (Domain Name System) asynchronous in the background, it integrates with external programs for opening certain file types, and offers numerous other interesting features that can be viewed at a glance on the project’s website.
Supports HTML 4.0 without CSS
Links supports HTML 4.0 (without CSS), supports bookmarks, supports background file downloads, supports tables, supports frames in both graphics and text mode interfaces, supports anti-advertising animation filter in animated GIFs, and supports JavaScript with full user control over script run.
It runs on many UNIX-like operating systems
The application is cross-platform, supporting all GNU/Linux distributions, as well as the BSD, OS/2, BeOS, Cygwin under Microsoft Windows, FreeMint, and AtheOS operating systems. At the moment, it has been successfully tested on computers supporting either of the 64-bit (x86_64) and 32-bit (x86) instruction set architectures.