Live Voyager HD is an open source distribution of Linux, a special edition of the Live Voyager operating system that uses a hybrid desktop environment, which borrows elements from the KDE and Xfce graphical interfaces, incorporating a wide range of eye-candy effects.
Distributed as 32-bit/64-bit Live DVDs
The HD (Hybrid) edition of Live Voyager is distributed on Softpedia as two Live DVD ISO images, one for each of the supported hardware platforms (32-bit and 64-bit). To transform the ISO images into bootable mediums, one must download and burn/write them on DVD discs or USB flash drives.
Boot menu à la Ubuntu Linux
It is quite obvious that the distribution is based on Ubuntu, as the Live DVD boot menu looks identical in functionality to the one of the upstream operating system. It asks users to choose a language to use for the live system, and allows them to try the distribution without installing anything on their computers. Some advanced, yet standard boot options are also included.
Attractive and modern desktop environment with eye-candy effects
As mentioned, the main attraction of the Live Voyager HD operating system is the graphical desktop environment, which playfully mixes elements from both the Xfce and KDE desktops. It allows users to easily switch between the KWin and Xfwm4 window managers of the aforementioned projects.
The default layout comprises of a panel located on the upper part of the screen, as well as dock (application launcher) that is hidden by default on the bottom edge of the screen. it uses a custom main menu that integrates a handy search function.
Contains top-notch and popular applications
Default applications include the AbiWord word processor, Gnumeric spreadsheet editor, Mozilla Firefox and Midori web browsers, Darktable RAW image editor, GIMP image editor, MComix comic book viewer, gThumb image viewer, Hotot Twitter client, Mozilla Thunderbird email and news client, Clementine audio player, Parole media player and VLC Media Player.