Manjaro Linux KDE is an open source Linux operating system that uses all the powerful features found on other Manjaro editions, but on top of a highly customized KDE desktop environment. It is based on the Arch Linux distribution, which means that it is a very stable, reliable and virus-free operating system.
Follows a rolling-release model
It follows a rolling-release model keeping your installation up-to-date forever (or at least until a complete reinstall is required because of unforeseen circumstances). It is available for download as an ISO image that you will need to burn on a blank DVD disc or use Unetbootin to deploy it on a USB flash drive.
Live DVD boot menu options
It uses exactly the same boot menu found on all official Manjaro releases, allowing users to install the entire operating system on their computer, use the distribution directly from the live media, or boot the operating system that is already installed on the respective computer.
Uses the KDE Plasma desktop environment
Because it uses the KDE Plasma desktop environment, this edition is much bigger in size than any other Manjaro flavor. Besides all the amazing applications that are part of a default KDE installations, this edition includes the entire LibreOffice office suite, the GIMP image editor, and the VLC Media Player applications.
You can install the OS with or without proprietary drivers
An interesting feature of the Manjaro Live CD is the ability to use or install the operating system with or without proprietary drivers. This means that if you have an AMD Radeon or Nvidia graphics card, choosing the second option (Start or install Manjaro (non-free drivers)) is the best method to enjoy a complete Manjaro experience. On the other hand, if you have an Intel video card, we suggest to use the first option when installing or using the live environment.
Bottom line
We highly recommend the Manjaro Linux KDE operating system if you own a high-end computer and you want to transform it into a modern, beautiful, clean and powerful workstation for office, multimedia and gaming tasks.