Described by its creator as a simple app that ” handles quick file aggregation and bulk renaming,” Mr. D’clutterer is without a doubt one of the strangest, yet most interesting little apps you will find.
It’s the type of app that won’t have a particularly big appeal for day-to-day users, but rather for ones who often work with large quantities of files and folders. (i.e. photographers, data analysts, etc.).
How does it work?
Even though Mr. D’clutterer’s workflow is unique, it’s not complicated. You simply drag and drop a folder that contains the files you want to organize on top of its main window, use the contextual menu to select any of the available options, and hit the GO button.
To access the “aggregation” menu, simply right click the app’s GUI once the folder is loaded.
In its current form, the application provides you with five ways of renaming and aggregating files. These are as follows: Aggregate by Types, Aggregate by Extensions, Rename by Replacing Space with Dash, Rename by Replacing Dash with Underscore, and Rename by Replacing Underscore with Space.
Other things you might need/want to know
You may notice that there are two more options in the app’s contextual menu. These are the Default Mode and the Directory Handling menus.
The Default Mode ensures that files are aggregated based on their types with directory handling. The Directory Handling ensures that if any folders (directories) are dropped, the files under those will also be taken under consideration.
Mr. D’clutterer is a free and open-source, Electron-based app that also works on Windows.
Mr. D’clutterer is definitely a niche app that will appeal to a few particular users who needs its unique services.