Nvidia Linux ARM Display Driver is a proprietary 3D OpenGL native video driver that aims to support Nvidia graphics cards on Linux operating systems that run on ARM hardware. It’s distributed in two main branches, as Short Lived (short term supported) or Long Lived (long term supported), offering support only for the 32-bit (x86) instruction set architectures.
Installing Nvidia Linux ARM Display Driver
In order to install the Nvidia Linux ARM Display Driver, download the binary package from the Downloads section, and execute the sh ./ NVIDIA-Linux-armv7l-gnueabihf-xxx.xx.run command as root in a Linux Terminal (where xxx.xx is the version number) to install the driver.
During the installation, users will be asked if they want to edit the X configuration file manually or let the installer do all the work. Alternatively, after installation, you can run the nvidia-xconfig command via a Linux Terminal to set the new driver as default.
Is my ARM hardware supported?
Yes, most probably! You will be able to install the Nvidia Linux ARM Display Driver on any ARM hardware, but keep in mind that this drive only supports 32-bit instruction set architectures. Therefore, if you’re running it on a 64-bit ARM computer, it won’t work. We will updated this information as soon as Nvidia will release an updated ARM video driver that supports 64-bit architectures.
What about old Nvidia graphics cards!
What about them? This is a recent driver that has been designed to support only relatively new graphics card produced by Nvidia in the last couple of years. This means that no legacy video card is supported by this driver. If you encounter issues with your GPU, try to install the Short Lived branch first, and then the Long Lived branch, after uninstalling the former.