Nvidia Solaris Legacy Display Driver is a freely distributed, native and proprietary 3D OpenGL video driver developed and published by Nvidia for their very old GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) running on Solaris operating systems. The driver is distributed in multiple editions, supporting a wide range of legacy Nvidia graphics cards.
Installing Nvidia Solaris Legacy Display Driver
In order to install the Nvidia Solaris Legacy Display Driver on your computer running a Solaris operating system, you must first download the respective driver for your graphics card from the Downloads section above. Make sure that the kernel headers are installed, save the run file on your Home directory, open a terminal and execute the “sh ./NVIDIA-Solaris-x86-xxx.xx.run” command as root, where xxx.xx is the version number or the driver.
During the installation, you will be asked if you want to let the installer automatically detect the optimal settings for your graphics card or if you want to manually edit the X configuration file. To make the Nvidia graphics driver the default for your Solaris operating system, run the “nvidia-xconfig” command in an X11 terminal emulator after installation. Both 64-bit and 32-bit architectures are supported at this time.
What legacy Nvidia cards are supported by this driver?
The Nvidia Solaris Legacy Display Drivers is distributed in three main branches, including the 304.xx series, 96.43.xx series and 173.14.xx series. Each of the aforementioned branches come with support for a specific range of graphics cards, which have been released by Nvidia in different periods of time, some of them 10 years ago, others 5 years ago. To see if your legacy Nvidia video card is supported by a certain driver, go to the downloads page of Nvidia and access the Supported Products tab of the respective video driver.