OpenSSL is an open source command-line project based on the excellent SSLeay library created by Tim J. Hudson and Eric A. Young. It is designed as a feature-rich, sturdy and professional-grade toolkit that implements the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL version 2 and 3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS version 1) protocols.
Implements a full-strength, general purpose cryptography library
OpenSSL can also be used to implement full-strength, general purpose cryptography library, which can be used to create RSA, DSA and DH key parameters, X.509 certificates, CRLs and CSRs, calculate message digests, encrypt and decrypt files with ciphers, handle encrypted email or S/MIME signs, as well as SSL/TLS client and server tests.
Integrates numerous commands
Numerous commands have been integrated in the OpenSSL toolkit, which are available from its shell prompt. It includes standard, message digest or cipher commands, such as asn1parse, aes-128-cbc, pkeyutl, sha, sha1, md5, md4, rmd160, mdc2, aes-256-cbc, cast5-cbc, camellia-128-cbc, camellia-256-cbc, des-ofb, rc2, bf-cfb, seed, rc4-40, prime, pkcs8, ocsp, enc, dsa, srp, x509, spkac, nseq, crl, s_time, rsa, pkcs7 and crl2pkcs7.
It’s managed by a worldwide community of volunteers
At the moment, the OpenSSL project is in active development with regular releases. It’s managed by a community of volunteers from all over the world, who use the Internet to plan and develop this extraordinary project that helps us communicate more securely.
Supports a wide-range of GNU/Linux operating systems
The OpenSSL toolkit is supported on a wide-range of GNU/Linux operating system, including Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Fedora, Mageia or openSUSE. It’s available for download from its official website or via Softpedia as a source archive that allows you to configure, compile and install the program on any distribution. It can also be easily installed from the default software channels of your Linux distro, supporting both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures.