You may have heard about the Pomodoro Technique, a super popular and efficient time management technique that involves splitting your work tasks into 25-minute intervals (also known as pomodoros), with breaks scheduled in between each inverval.
That’s exctly what Pomodoro, a stylish little Linux application is based on. Pomodoro is a productivity-focused timer application that employs the Pomodoro Technique to the letter – meaning it forces you to work in four twentyfive-minute stints, with five minutes breaks in between them, and after you’ve completed four of them, you get a longer break.
We know what you’re thinking: “I have a timer on my phone, on my smartwatch, and pretty much on every device near me.” You may also think that “there are a lot of other similar apps, why should I use this one?”
The main reason you might want to use this app is the fact that it also has a neat little section that displays statistics. In the Statistics section, you can see your total work time, the total break time, as well as how much more productive you’ve been when compared to yesterday, or the week before, or the month before.
While not a completely groundbreaking features, it does help you get a clear perspective on your productivity, and it’s also not something you usually find in small Pomodoro-inspired apps of this sort.
The app also has a Historic section that allows you to effortlessly load types you’ve previously worked on.
The fact that the app doesn’t stray away from the original Pomodoro Technique’s recipe is a good thing for those who are fans of the technique and know that it works for them. However, some users might prefer longer work stints (say 40-minute work sessions instead of the default 25).
Considering that this app is very early in its potential development lifecycle, it’s understandable that the app doesn’t offer much in terms of customization. For instance, an option to change the app’s alarm sound (when the timer ends) would have been quite nice.
Pomodoro is a nice and efficient little Pomodoro app that can help you improve the way you work by forcing you to stick to the original recipe of the technique, nothing more, nothing less.