How to use the Rome2rio app
Enter any address, landmark or city as your destination and we will instantly display all your travel options and booking information, along with accommodation providers and things to do, in one convenient spot.
Why use Rome2rio?
Whether you’re after flight, train, bus, ferry, rideshare or rental car info, we’ve got estimated prices, journey durations and booking details from over 5000 companies in more than 160 countries – making us one of the top online travel resources used globally.
With over 186,000 app users worldwide already on board, you know you’re in good company!
We work closely with leading train and bus companies, such as National Express, Trenitalia, FlixBus, Renfe, SNCF, Amtrak, VIA Rail, Deutsche Bahn and most major airlines, to bring you the best prices.
We have been featured in media outlets including The New York Times, Techcrunch, Travel + Leisure, The Australian, The Boston Globe, Buzzfeed, Lifehacker and The Telegraph.
"This brilliant app will get you navigating like a pro and probably save you some money at the same time. This free resource allows you to type in any starting point and destination, showing you exactly how to get from Point A to Point B as quickly and economically as possible – train, plane, bus, bike, it's all there." – Gilbert Ott, Condé Nast Traveller
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