Duplicates are far from being the biggest danger to your computer, even though having tons of them can eat up precious disk space. Be that as it may, duplicates can decrease productivity in certain situations, and can pretty much make the backing up of data and searching for files and folders a nightmare.
That’s exactly why duplicate finder apps exist. Speedy Duplicate Finder is one such app and it works on all major desktop OSes out there: Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Reasons to use Speedy Duplicate Finder
Usually, all duplicate finders get the job done one way or another. The main differentiation between most of them is the speed at which they can find and clean duplicates, as well as the way they look and feel.
Speedy Duplicate Finder is a very good-looking product that works flawlessly even when dealing with an insanely high number of duplicate files. It’s also very fast (according to the developers, it can scan north of 10.000 files in less than half an hour).
Another great aspect of Speedy Duplicate Finder is the fact that it allows you to detect and delete duplicates on a wide range of storage medius including external drives.
Please note that Linux users may be required to provide the app with access to specific external storage units. To do this, simply open the Terminal and type “snap connect speedy-duplicate-finder:removable-media.”
What about disadvantages?
The app features pretty much everything a day-to-day user needs to find and clean duplicates including smart filters (via type, Extension, and Size).
However, all this convenience does come with a price in the case of Speedy Duplicate Finder. The Free version only allows you to sample the app’s GUI and scanning engine.
To actually delete duplicates with a simple mouse click, you are required to pay a premium. That said, this isn’t a disadvantage per se, Linux users will probably be inclined to naturally look for free and open-source solutions.
The only real question here is: is the asking price right for you? If the answer is yes, then you get a well-designed, fast, and very user-friendly app that’s really capable of making your life a lot easier when it comes to dealing with pesky duplicate files.