Most often than not, To-do list apps focus on delivering a sleek, user-friendly, and simple experience. However, not all To-do list apps are equal and some are just “built differently.”
This is definitely the case of Super Productivity, that not only boasts a cool name, but also has the features to prove it.
What’s so special about Super Productivity?
The level of features that Super Productivity provides its users are very similar to those found in premium (paid) productivity/to-do web services (more on that a bit later).
Not only this, but Super Productivity has a stylish, modern, and highly customizable GUI. In short, it’s an impressive all-in-one to-do list app that can also be used as a simple to-do app by even the most novice of users.
Features and integrations
One of the app’s highlights is its integration with some of the best project management platforms out there, namely JIRA, GitHub, and GitLab. It also provides you with the option to synchronize or store content to cloud services such as Dropbox, Google Drive, and pretty much any WebDAV storage service.
Besides allowing you to add to-do tasks and thoroughly organize and manage them, Super Productivity also allows you to track the time spent on each task. Other noteworthy features include the ability to schedule tasks, import/export lists, the ability to tweak the timers and counters, to add attachments to your tasks and projects, and the option to repeat tasks indefinitely.
Add the fact that it works on all major OSes out there, and the fact that it also has an auto-backup function, and you’ve got yourself a stellar to-do list app that should help you tackle any complex project that comes your way.
As mentioned before, Super Productivity is so well-designed that it can be used by both advanced and beginner users without any issues. It also comes with cross-platform support, it’s free, and open-source, and it looks really really nice.