TinyMCE is an open source, freely distributed, web-based, cross-browser and platform-independent software project implemented in PHP/HTML and designed from the offset to act as a powerful WYSIWYG, JavaScript and HTML editor for websites.
Features at a glance
Key features include the ability to convert HTML textarea fields, as wel as other HTML elements, to editor instances, which makes it easy to be integrated with an existing system (only two lines of code are needed).
The software also features support for templates and themes, plugin support, customizable HTML/XHTML 1.0 output, international language support, and support for multiple web browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, etc.
Another interesting feature is the built-in plugin architecture that allows users to easily extend the default functionality of the software. All available plugins can be viewed at a glance on the project’s website and are easily installable.
Through plugins, you will be able to create anchors, enable automatic resize of images, add autosave capabilities for the text, add support for BBCode, access a character map, add a color picker, enable a context menu, add support for emoticons, as well as to add full screen support.
Additionally, thanks to plugins, you will be able to insert date and time, to add lists and links, to add media (video and audio), to add preview support, to add paste functionality, to add search and replace functionality, to add a spell checker, to add a word counter, to add support for tables, and to add print support.
Softpedia uses TinyMCE
We are very proud to use the powerful TinyMCE editor here at the Softpedia Labs. Our editors use it to create reviews of software products, distributions of Linux or mobile devices, as well as to bring you all the latest news from all over the world.