To-do lists are a lot more important than most people tend to give them credit. A thoroughly created to-do list can help you be much better organized, and possibly even less stressed since it’s a great way to ensure that you haven’t forgotten anything crucial.
The beauty of to-do lists is that they can be created on pretty much everything: on a piece of paper, on your phone, in a text document on your computer, and so forth.
If you hapen to want a to-do app for your computer, then you might want to check out ToDoRust, a free, open-source, and cross-platform to-do task manager for Windows, macOS, and Linux. It’s made using Rust and Tauri.
The quirky ToDoRust app
Upon first launching the app, it becomes quite apparent that ToDoRust is not exactly a feature-packed utility. You can create endless tasks, and manage them with ease from its somewhat quirky interface, and that’s pretty much about.
Its quirks are not in the functionality department, but rather in terms of looks. Liking or disliking ToDoRust ultimately comes down to preference, as it sports a unique two-tone color scheme that give the app some oldschool vibes.
There’s also a minimalistic Settings section that provides you with the ability to toggle between two Light and Dark GUI themes, as well as change the font for your to-dos, and that’s pretty much about it.
If you like the way it looks, ToDoRust is a decent, little to-do manager that can really help you stay organized. It may not the most feature-packed or the most stylish app out there, but it gets the job done without problems, and it works on all major OSes out there.