An Ubuntu-based operating system that includes a wide range of native Linux games
Ultimate Gamers Edition is an open source and completely free Linux kernel-based operating system derived from the world’s most popular distribution of Linux, Ubuntu, and designed from the ground up for hardcore gamers.
It’s distributed as a 32-bit Live DVD
The Gamers flavor of the Ultimate Edition Linux operating system is distributed as a Live DVD ISO image that has approximately 4GB in size, it supports both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x86_64) hardware platforms, but contains software packages optimized only for the 32-bit architecture. It can be written to either a DVD disc or a USB thumb drive of 4GB or higher capacity.
You can use it directly from the bootable medium
Being designed from the ground up as a Live DVD, the Ultimate Gamers Edition distribution will allow the user to use the entire system directly from the bootable medium, in live mode. By default, it will start automatically when you boot the ISO image from the BIOS of a PC, but various advanced boot options are available on the boot menu.
LXDE is in charge of the graphical desktop environment
The distribution’s default and only graphical desktop environment is powered by LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment), which uses a traditional single-panel layout for a productive and very fast desktop experience.
Contains a wide range of open source games
Among the pre-installed games, we can mention 3D chess, Airstrike, Aisleriot Solitaire, Barrage, Blackjack, Boswars, Brutal, Chess, BzFlag, Brutal Chess, Chess, Dream Chess, Five or more, Foo Billiard, Four-in-a-row, Freecell, Gbrainy, Glest, Gnometris, Gridwars, Hearts, Lango, Kslotski, Majongg and Mines.
In addition, the Nexuiz, Nibbles, Nimuh, Open Arena, PokerTH, Robots, SameGnome, Sauerbraten, Snoballz, Suduku, Super Tux 2, Tali, Tetravex, Tremulous, Vetris and Warsow are also included.
You will be able to play Windows games
In addition, the Play On Linux application, a graphical front-end for the award-winning Wine software, will allow the user to download, install and play games that have been designed to work only on the Microsoft Windows operating system.