VueScan is a commercial and cross-platform graphical application that allows users get the most out of their scanner devices. It provides advanced features and powerful functionality. The program makes your existing scanner to work as well as a new one. It is fast, easy-to-use, and lets you to continue using it even if you buy a new scanner.
Helps you access hidden features of your scanner
If you want to access your scanner’s advanced features, or if it’s no longer supported by your Linux operating system, download VueScan right now from Softpedia. The software provides support for more than 2400 scanners and numerous digital camera raw files.
Available for purchase in multiple editions
Two versions are offered for purchase, one that supports free updates for one year, and another one that supports unlimited upgrades, as well as ICC color spaces and profiles, and allows users to create OCR text files, raw scan files, and calibrate IT8 colors.
Easy to use graphical user interface
With a single mouse click, you will be able to preserve and share your entire photo collection. The user interface is composed of an empty area on the right side, where the scanned image is displayed, and a sidebar with six tabs on the left side, from where you can set input, output, crop, filter and color options.
Features at a glance
Vuescan features many attractive options and functionality, including the ability to set the white balance by right clicking on a neutral color, restore the default color balance with a simple double-click on the image, and compare the modified image with the original one by pressing the Alt key while clicking on the photo.
Another interesting feature is the ability to smooth the dots when scanning magazines and newspapers, simply by setting the Input -> Media option to ‘Magazine’ or ‘Newspaper’. Also, three buttons are displayed on the lower right of the window, allowing users to rotate and zoom the scanned image.
Bottom line
All in all, VueScan is the perfect application for all your basic and advanced scanning needs. It supports Linux, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X operating systems, as well as both 64-bit and 32-bit architectures.