Take the first step towards well-being with WeWard! What if your steps and well-being were valuable? With WeWard, you’re rewarded for walking! The principle is simple: you walk, you accumulate Wards and you convert them into rewards! No more excuses to remain inactive indoors! Thanks to a fun step counter and a selection of special places nearby, you’ll improve your fitness and rediscover your town, your neighbourhood and your shops! EFFORT REALLY IS REWARDED! Staying active and motivated is possible! 1. Accumulate daily Wards with each step taken and with each sporting challenge you complete! Weward: the app that makes you want to walk, while providing special offers on your favorite equipment and places. HOW IT WORKS – We accurately calculate your steps using Apple's Health Step Counter, even when your phone is in your pocket. We also use Apple health data to read the number of floors climbed, active calories burned, and distance traveled, so you can track your performance and progress. WEWARD ENCOURAGES WELL-BEING AND SOFT MOBILITY Whether it motivates you to play sports, to improve your physical health or to lose weight, WeWard is designed for you! More than a step counter or a simple pedometer, WeWard encourages you to excel and look after yourself thanks to its innovative system of levels, sporting challenges and rewards to be won! It has been proven: you walk 24% more with WeWard! By traveling on foot, you have positive impact on the environment, reduce your carbon footprint and fight against a sedentary lifestyle. Walking has many benefits: losing weight, building muscle, even reducing stress and the risk of cardiovascular disease. Walking allows you to boost your metabolism, increasing the number of calories burned, by drawing on fat reserves, even when at rest. WEWARD ENHANCES YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD Walking with WeWard also means supporting the local economy of your neighbourhood: discover our top deals and support your favorite businesses while being rewarded with our cashback and discount system. Join the WeWard community soon and start improving your physical and mental well-being! Instagram, Twitter, Facebook: @wewardapp TikTok: @weward Website: https://en.weward.fr/ Compatible with iOS 10.2 and above © © 2021 WeWard |