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DDRescue-GUI 1.7.2

DDRescue-GUI an user-friendly, multiplatform, freely distributed and open source graphical application implemented in Python and designed to provide users with an easy-to-use GUI (Graphical User Interface) front-end for the awesome GNU ddrescue command-line software.

What is GNU ddrescue?

GNU ddrescue is an open source and free command-line software written by Antonio Diaz Diaz and designed to be used for data recovery tasks. It can copy data from one file or block device to another.

Rescue data from damaged computers

The application allows users to rescue data from damaged computers more easily than using the ddrescue program from a command-line interface, such as a via a terminal emulator software.

Getting started with DDRescue-GUI

To install and use the DDRescue-GUI software on your GNU/Linux computer, you must first download either of the native installer for Ubuntu/Debian-based operating systems, which can be installed with a couple of mouse clicks, or the universal source package.

Installing DDRescue-GUI from the source package is a little bit complicated, as you will have to download and save the archive somewhere on your computer, extract its contents, open the extracted directory and copy the file to /usr/share/ddrescue-gui/, the ddrescue-gui.desktop file to /usr/share/applications/, the ddgoestotherescue.jpg file to /usr/share/ddrescue-gui/, as well as the ddrescue-gui.png file to /usr/share/pixmaps/.

Then, copy the file to /usr/share/ddrescue-gui/, the file to /usr/share/ddrescue-gui/, the file to /usr/share/ddrescue-gui/, the file to /usr/share/ddrescue-gui, the file to /usr/share/ddrescue-gui/, and the com.linux.pkexec.ddrescue-gui.policy file to /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/. Use the application from the command-line by running the file.

Inspired by the KDiskRescue software

DDRescue-GUI has been inspired by the deprecated KDiskRescue software. However, DDRescue-GUI supports any desktop environment and computing platform, running successfully on GNU/Linux and Mac OS X operating systems.

The application is written in the Python and UNIX Shell programming languages and has been successfully tested on computers supporting either of the 32-bit and 64-bit instruction set architectures.