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pocket-sync 4.5.0

Boasting a somewhat steep but arguably fair price of around $200, the Analogue Pocket distinguishes itself as the go-to, high-end gaming solution for all retro handheld gaming enthusiasts or, you know, hispters.

The whole point of the Analogue Pocket is to provide retro gaming enthusiasts with a pure nostalgia enduing experience by allowing them to play all Gameboy, Gameboy Color, and Gameboy Advanced games on hardware rather than emulation software.

If you happen to be one of the lucky owners of the Analogue Pocket, and you want to manage “stuff” more efficiently, then you should definitely check out pocket-sync.

In short, pocket-sync is a third-party GUI (meaning it’s not officially affiliated with the Analogue company) that allows you to “do stuff with the Analogue Pocket.”

More specifically, it’s a free, open-source, and cross-platform app (works on Windows, macOS, and Linux) that allows you to browse and install cores, export corrected and upscalled screenshots, backup and restore save files, as well as manage and browse save states.

Getting started with pocket-sync is not exactly difficult, but there are some aspects one should be aware of. For instance, please note that the SD card needs to be initialised by the Pocket device in order to get recognized.

Next, once the app is installed on your computer, make sure the plug in your Pocket device (using the USB-C cable), make sure the SD card is also plugged in, and click the “Connect to Pocket” button. Next, select the root folder (the folder with Assets, Cores, and Save States), and that’s about it.

From this point onwards, you are able to access all of the app’s sections, namely Games, Cores, Screenshots, Saves, Save States, Platforms, and Settings.

pocket-sync is definitely a very interesting little project that’s sure to make Analogue Pocket owners and handheld retro gaming aficionados happy. Since the project is fairly young, you can expect various improvements over the following years. For instance, some planned features include: autobackup on connect, library view/edit options, as well as MiSTer save file sync.