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Smart File Renamer 1.1.0

User-friendly and useful app that helps you rename large numbers of files with ease

Renaming files is not something one usually thinks about, until one is forced to deal with the pain of constantly having to do so dozens, and even hundreds of times.

Thankfully, there are various good apps specialized in renaming files or folders, and Smart File Renamer is one of them.

At first glance, Smart File Renamer looks like a fancier version of most file renamers out there. Don’t be fooled by its modern looks, as the app packs some very nifty features.

Has all the basics covered

Besides looking good, Smart File Renamer is also a very fast app. According to its developer, the app is capable of bulk renaming 1000 files in less than a second. It’s not limited to just renaming files, as it can batch rename folders just as easily. It also works on all major OSes such as Windows, macOS, and Linux.

However, a good app of this sort also provides users with options when it comes to rules and filters. Thankfully, the app allows you to apply as many renaming rules as you want. You can also apply custom filters, quite useful when you want to rename files in different folders.

Furthermore, Smart File Renamer also boasts a Live Preview feature, and it also works with external drives. Best of all, all of the changes can be undone with the simple press of a button.

Does the grunt work with style

By now, it should be quite clear that Smart File Renamer packs most features most users expect from an app of this sort. However, it has a few other exquisite “talents,” which might convince you to spend the money to buy it.

For starters, Smart File Renamer works rather well with RegEX. This allows you to create remarkably flexible patterns for your complex file renaming jobs.

Secondly, it can even rename photos based on the EXIF photo metadata, as well as rename audio files based on their IDE3 audio tags.


Smart File Renamer is definitely one of the best file day-to-day file renamers out there. It’s very user-friendly, it’s fast, and it packs a whole lot of useful features. While not really a downside, you will have to pay a premium in order to unleash its full potential.

Filed under

Rename File Bulk File Renamer Name Changer Renamer Rule Rename Changer